Introducing Your Shih Tzu to Other Pets

    Breed 3/2/2017

    Few things are more exciting for pet-lovers than bringing home a cuddly, furry friend, especially when that new pal is a Shih Tzu. Shih Tzus are known for not just being cute, but they also make exceptional companions for adults and children of all ages. Their friendly nature also makes them get along with other pets, from other Shih Tzus to cats. However, this doesn't mean that when you adopt a new Shih Tzu, you can just immediately introduce him or her to your furry family without expecting some types of challenges. While some Shih Tzus fall easily into a

    How to Control your Shih Tzu's Fear Biting and Excessive Barking?

    Training 3/2/2017

    You love your pet, but sometimes, his behaviors can really be frustrating. Excessive barking is just one of those negative behaviors that can be a headache. With some dogs, it doesn't take much to set them off, and they can proceed to bark for minutes or hours. If you're not home, the problem can be even worse - disturbing your neighbors or others in the household.

    Hidden Message Behind Your Shih tzu's Tear Stains

    Breed 3/2/2017

    If you're the owner of a Shih Tzu and you've had to deal with the hassle of tear stains, you may want to read this. The makers of two exported products and the manufacturer of Angels' Glow, Angels' Eyes, and Pet's Spark were presented with a letter of warning from the FDA. The reason for the letter was because these products were found to contain an unapproved antibiotic substance (tylosin tartrate) for the treatment of dogs or cats for tearstain-related conditions. If you're familiar with tear staining conditions, you may be familiar with these products, however, you may have been

    How to Take the Perfect Photo of Your Shih Tzu

    Breed 3/2/2017

    Your dog is adorable, and you want the whole world to know it! As a pet parent of your Shih Tzu, it's not uncommon to want to show off your gorgeous pup. Whether you're bringing him out to show to your houseguests or you put your little lady in a cute outfit to go for a walk around the park, the Shih Tzu is a stunning dog that is meant to be seen. However, you may have noticed that capturing these memorable and adorable moments on camera can be a bit difficult. It's not like pet owners can tell their

    How to Help Your Shih Tzu Safely Lose Weight

    Breed 3/2/2017

    We all know how it goes. You get a little bit lazy, you start to enjoy your favorite snack a little too much, and suddenly, you've gained a few pounds. Not only can you see it, but you can feel it too: you're more sluggish and you don't quite feel like yourself. We aren't the only ones that have to worry about this problem - our Shih Tzus do, too!

    Introducing Your Shih Tzu to Children

    Breed 3/2/2017

    Shih Tzus are a great companion breed. These furry little pups absolutely love spending time with their families, so it's no wonder they're such a popular choice for households with children. However, just because these dogs are known for being non-aggressive and very loving, it doesn't mean that you can just bring a new Shih Tzu in your home without properly introducing him or her to other members of the family, including your kids.

    I Am the Cutest Shih Tzu

    Videos 3/2/2017

    Is this the most hypnotically adorable puppy you've ever seen? We think so! This little lady obviously wants a nap, but needs a little bit of time to drift off to the land of nod (all Shih Tzu owners know how hard it is to switch off these little bundles of energy). That's lucky for us, because who wouldn't want to stare at this sweet Shih Tzu face for hours? Sweet dreams, little one!

    Tips to keep your Shihtzu happy

    Breed 3/2/2017

    Everyone wants a happy pet. Barring those who don't like pets, no one will be happy if the beloved dog is depressed or not acting like its usual self. Some dogs are less expressive than others, so they may not appear to be very happy, but as long as they are having a good time and not brooding or feeling sad, you should be a happy pet owner.

    How to wash your ShihTzu!

    Health 3/2/2017

    A well-groomed Shih Tzu is not just more adorable, but it's also healthier. Dogs or puppies that aren't kept clean and hygenic will be vulnerable to a wide range of ailments, including infections. Grooming also makes a dog feel loved and cared for, something all Shih Tzus love. Dogs that don't feel loved can be depressed, broody and may not take on negative behaviors. It is thus necessary to groom your dog with regularity, and that starts with washing or bathing your dog regularly.

    Imperial & Tea Cup Shih Tzu

    Health 3/2/2017

    There is a standard size and weight for the Shih Tzu according to the AKC. Shih Tzu dogs should remain between 9 and 16 pounds based on these standards, but you may have seen Shih Tzu dogs that seem to be much smaller. These smaller dogs may not have been puppies; you may have seen Imperial, or Teacup, Shih Tzu dogs. While this is not an actual breed or name for the breed, it is a name given by breeders and buyers. It refers to Shih Tzu dogs that are smaller than the standard size, either by nature or by

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